checkersReportinformationActive checkers: There was critical errors (use --checkers-report=<filename> to see details)
37unknownMacroerrorThere is an unknown macro here somewhere. Configuration is required. If G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE is a macro then please configure it.
337variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'item' can be reduced.
465variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'item' can be reduced.
676constParameterCallback398styleParameter 'iter' can be declared as pointer to const. However it seems that 'baobab_chart_row_changed' is a callback function, if 'iter' is declared with const you might also need to cast function pointer(s).
690constParameterCallback398styleParameter 'iter' can be declared as pointer to const. However it seems that 'baobab_chart_row_inserted' is a callback function, if 'iter' is declared with const you might also need to cast function pointer(s).
704constParameterCallback398styleParameter 'iter' can be declared as pointer to const. However it seems that 'baobab_chart_row_has_child_toggled' is a callback function, if 'iter' is declared with const you might also need to cast function pointer(s).
732constParameterCallback398styleParameter 'iter' can be declared as pointer to const. However it seems that 'baobab_chart_rows_reordered' is a callback function, if 'iter' is declared with const you might also need to cast function pointer(s).
913constParameterCallback398styleParameter 'event' can be declared as pointer to const. However it seems that 'baobab_chart_button_release' is a callback function, if 'event' is declared with const you might also need to cast function pointer(s).
1002variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'item' can be reduced.
1408variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'current_root' can be reduced.
1572constVariablePointer398styleVariable 'priv' can be declared as pointer to const
1624variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'parent_path' can be reduced.
1684variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'sel_type' can be reduced.
1789constVariablePointer398styleVariable 'priv' can be declared as pointer to const
1830constVariablePointer398styleVariable 'priv' can be declared as pointer to const
1856constVariablePointer398styleVariable 'priv' can be declared as pointer to const
57unknownMacroerrorThere is an unknown macro here somewhere. Configuration is required. If G_DEFINE_TYPE is a macro then please configure it.
424variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'item' can be reduced.
436variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'layout' can be reduced.
136unknownMacroerrorThere is an unknown macro here somewhere. Configuration is required. If G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_DISPLAY_NAME is a macro then please configure it.
113variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'layout' can be reduced.
272constVariablePointer398styleVariable 'rect' can be declared as pointer to const
283constVariablePointer398styleVariable '_rect' can be declared as pointer to const
305constVariablePointer398styleVariable 'priv' can be declared as pointer to const
103variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'toggle' can be reduced.
382variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'primary' can be reduced.
81variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'display' can be reduced.
339knownConditionTrueFalse571styleCondition 'data->depth<currentdepth' is always true
736constVariablePointer398styleVariable 'uri_list' can be declared as pointer to const
736unreadVariable563styleVariable 'uri_list' is assigned a value that is never used.
520unknownMacroerrorThere is an unknown macro here somewhere. Configuration is required. If VERSION is a macro then please configure it.
498constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'db' can be declared as pointer to const
517constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'db' can be declared as pointer to const
607constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'strat' can be declared as pointer to const
625constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'strat' can be declared as pointer to const
714constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'match' can be declared as pointer to const
732constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'match' can be declared as pointer to const
826constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'def' can be declared as pointer to const
846constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'def' can be declared as pointer to const
867constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'def' can be declared as pointer to const
887constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'def' can be declared as pointer to const
127unknownMacroerrorThere is an unknown macro here somewhere. Configuration is required. If G_STRLOC is a macro then please configure it.
126unknownMacroerrorThere is an unknown macro here somewhere. Configuration is required. If G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE is a macro then please configure it.
92unknownMacroerrorThere is an unknown macro here somewhere. Configuration is required. If G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE is a macro then please configure it.
268constVariablePointer398styleVariable 'l' can be declared as pointer to const
415duplicateConditionalAssign398styleThe statement 'if (priv->transport!=transport) priv->transport=transport' is logically equivalent to 'priv->transport=transport'.
108unknownMacroerrorThere is an unknown macro here somewhere. Configuration is required. If G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE is a macro then please configure it.
123unknownMacroerrorThere is an unknown macro here somewhere. Configuration is required. If G_STRLOC is a macro then please configure it.
161constVariablePointer398styleVariable 'word' can be declared as pointer to const
182constVariablePointer398styleVariable 'word' can be declared as pointer to const
273constParameterCallback398styleParameter 'event' can be declared as pointer to const. However it seems that 'window_key_press_event_cb' is a callback function, if 'event' is declared with const you might also need to cast function pointer(s).
447constParameterCallback398styleParameter 'event' can be declared as pointer to const. However it seems that 'gdict_applet_entry_key_press_cb' is a callback function, if 'event' is declared with const you might also need to cast function pointer(s).
473constParameterCallback398styleParameter 'event' can be declared as pointer to const. However it seems that 'gdict_applet_icon_button_press_event_cb' is a callback function, if 'event' is declared with const you might also need to cast function pointer(s).
1188variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'ui_path' can be reduced.
188uselessAssignmentPtrArg398warningAssignment of function parameter has no effect outside the function. Did you forget dereferencing it?
86unusedStructMember563stylestruct member '_GdictPrefDialog::help_button' is never used.
87unusedStructMember563stylestruct member '_GdictPrefDialog::close_button' is never used.
511constVariablePointer398styleVariable 'page' can be declared as pointer to const
414shadowArgument398styleLocal variable 'context' shadows outer argument
1030constParameterCallback398styleParameter 'action' can be declared as pointer to const. However it seems that 'gdict_window_cmd_file_close_window' is a callback function, if 'action' is declared with const you might also need to cast function pointer(s).
1370constParameterCallback398styleParameter 'event' can be declared as pointer to const. However it seems that 'gdict_window_state_event_cb' is a callback function, if 'event' is declared with const you might also need to cast function pointer(s).
227constParameterCallback398styleParameter 'event' can be declared as pointer to const. However it seems that 'key_press_cb' is a callback function, if 'event' is declared with const you might also need to cast function pointer(s).
1054constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'rectangle' can be declared as pointer to const
56constParameterCallback398styleParameter 'key' can be declared as pointer to const. However it seems that 'on_toplevel_key_press_event' is a callback function, if 'key' is declared with const you might also need to cast function pointer(s).
201shadowVariable398styleLocal variable 'dialog' shadows outer variable
343constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'dialog' can be declared as pointer to const
48variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'message' can be reduced.
113variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'dialog' can be reduced.
140variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'dir_name' can be reduced.
189constVariablePointer398styleVariable 'filter' can be declared as pointer to const
215constVariablePointer398styleVariable 'filter' can be declared as pointer to const
151constVariablePointer398styleVariable 'root_window' can be declared as pointer to const
207constParameterCallback398styleParameter 'event' can be declared as pointer to const. However it seems that 'select_area_button_press' is a callback function, if 'event' is declared with const you might also need to cast function pointer(s).
299constParameterCallback398styleParameter 'event' can be declared as pointer to const. However it seems that 'select_area_key_press' is a callback function, if 'event' is declared with const you might also need to cast function pointer(s).
495constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'rect' can be declared as pointer to const
599constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'rectangle' can be declared as pointer to const
682variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced.
745constVariablePointer398styleVariable 'src_pixels' can be declared as pointer to const
871constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'error' can be declared as pointer to const
32unusedStructMember563stylestruct member 'TransferDialog::cancellable' is never used.
59unknownMacroerrorThere is an unknown macro here somewhere. Configuration is required. If G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE is a macro then please configure it.
329constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'desktop_file' can be declared as pointer to const
343constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'desktop_file' can be declared as pointer to const
357constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'desktop_file' can be declared as pointer to const
378constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'desktop_file' can be declared as pointer to const
482variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'try_exec' can be reduced.
482variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'found_program' can be reduced.
483variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'only_show_in' can be reduced.
483variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'not_show_in' can be reduced.
485variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced.
560constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'desktop_file' can be declared as pointer to const
579constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'desktop_file' can be declared as pointer to const
595constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'desktop_file' can be declared as pointer to const
607variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'p' can be reduced.
634constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'desktop_file' can be declared as pointer to const
642constVariablePointer398styleVariable 'doc' can be declared as pointer to const
172unknownMacroerrorThere is an unknown macro here somewhere. Configuration is required. If G_DEFINE_TYPE is a macro then please configure it.
47unknownMacroerrorThere is an unknown macro here somewhere. Configuration is required. If G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE is a macro then please configure it.
134variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'command' can be reduced.
957constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'event' can be declared as pointer to const
1001variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'new2' can be reduced.
1034variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'file_icon' can be reduced.
1036variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'str' can be reduced.
1307variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'tmp' can be reduced.
1388constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'event' can be declared as pointer to const
1776shadowArgument398styleLocal variable 'response' shadows outer argument
1886variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'gsearch' can be reduced.
1916variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'gsearch' can be reduced.
1934constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'event' can be declared as pointer to const
465constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'time_pieces' can be declared as pointer to const
951variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'screen' can be reduced.
952variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'display' can be reduced.
1329variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'valid_bytes' can be reduced.
456constVariablePointer398styleVariable 'constraint' can be declared as pointer to const
673variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'value' can be reduced.
844variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'path' can be reduced.
1045variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'string' can be reduced.
2225variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'path' can be reduced.
2718constParameterCallback398styleParameter 'allocation' can be declared as pointer to const. However it seems that 'gsearch_window_size_allocate' is a callback function, if 'allocation' is declared with const you might also need to cast function pointer(s).
158variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'info' can be reduced.
160variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'content_type' can be reduced.
160variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'name' can be reduced.
176variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'filter' can be reduced.
177variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'tag' can be reduced.
119constParameterCallback398styleParameter 'event' can be declared as pointer to const. However it seems that 'entry_key_press_event_cb' is a callback function, if 'event' is declared with const you might also need to cast function pointer(s).
330variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'desc' can be reduced.
617unknownMacroerrorThere is an unknown macro here somewhere. Configuration is required. If G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_CONTENT_TYPE is a macro then please configure it.
80variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'day' can be reduced.
118constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'log' can be declared as pointer to const
482variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'days' can be reduced.
223variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'data' can be reduced.
421constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'log' can be declared as pointer to const
149variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'str' can be reduced.
150variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'filter' can be reduced.
151variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'tag' can be reduced.
385variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'stored' can be reduced.
425variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'stored' can be reduced.
87constVariablePointer398styleVariable 'timestamp' can be declared as pointer to const
145constVariablePointer398styleVariable 'tmptm' can be declared as pointer to const
319variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'active' can be reduced.
480variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'mark' can be reduced.
573variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'end' can be reduced.
574variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'text' can be reduced.
636variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'filter' can be reduced.
664variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'tag' can be reduced.
665variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'action' can be reduced.
865constParameterCallback398styleParameter 'event' can be declared as pointer to const. However it seems that 'window_size_changed_cb' is a callback function, if 'event' is declared with const you might also need to cast function pointer(s).
965constVariablePointer398styleVariable 'day' can be declared as pointer to const
987variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'primary' can be reduced.
1147constParameterCallback398styleParameter 'event' can be declared as pointer to const. However it seems that 'key_press_event_cb' is a callback function, if 'event' is declared with const you might also need to cast function pointer(s).
1519variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'err' can be reduced.
21unusedVariable563styleUnused variable: day
22variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'day_s' can be reduced.