checkersReportinformationActive checkers: There was critical errors (use --checkers-report=<filename> to see details)
71variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'line' can be reduced.
71constVariablePointer398styleVariable 'line' can be declared as pointer to const
0normalCheckLevelMaxBranchesinformationLimiting analysis of branches. Use --check-level=exhaustive to analyze all branches.
49variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'result_str' can be reduced.
49constVariablePointer398styleVariable 'result_str' can be declared as pointer to const
124variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'arg' can be reduced.
124constVariablePointer398styleVariable 'arg' can be declared as pointer to const
183constParameterCallback398styleParameter 'window' can be declared as pointer to const. However it seems that 'quit_cb' is a callback function, if 'window' is declared with const you might also need to cast function pointer(s).
0normalCheckLevelMaxBranchesinformationLimiting analysis of branches. Use --check-level=exhaustive to analyze all branches.
144constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'manager' can be declared as pointer to const
386constVariablePointer398styleVariable 'value' can be declared as pointer to const
69constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'value' can be declared as pointer to const
86constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'klass' can be declared as pointer to const
18constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'pint' can be declared as pointer to const
18constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'fv' can be declared as pointer to const
18constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'pv' can be declared as pointer to const
38constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'cost' can be declared as pointer to const
38constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'life' can be declared as pointer to const
38constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'period' can be declared as pointer to const
77constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'pmt' can be declared as pointer to const
77constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'pint' can be declared as pointer to const
77constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'n' can be declared as pointer to const
98constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'cost' can be declared as pointer to const
98constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'margin' can be declared as pointer to const
116constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'prin' can be declared as pointer to const
116constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'pint' can be declared as pointer to const
116constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'n' can be declared as pointer to const
139constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'pmt' can be declared as pointer to const
139constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'pint' can be declared as pointer to const
139constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'n' can be declared as pointer to const
162constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'fv' can be declared as pointer to const
162constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'pv' can be declared as pointer to const
162constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'n' can be declared as pointer to const
183constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'cost' can be declared as pointer to const
183constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'salvage' can be declared as pointer to const
183constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'life' can be declared as pointer to const
200constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'cost' can be declared as pointer to const
200constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'salvage' can be declared as pointer to const
200constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'life' can be declared as pointer to const
200constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'period' can be declared as pointer to const
227constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'pmt' can be declared as pointer to const
227constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'fv' can be declared as pointer to const
227constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'pint' can be declared as pointer to const
0normalCheckLevelMaxBranchesinformationLimiting analysis of branches. Use --check-level=exhaustive to analyze all branches.
34variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'count' can be reduced.
122unreadVariable563styleVariable 'type' is assigned a value that is never used.
530variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'token' can be reduced.
530constVariablePointer398styleVariable 'token' can be declared as pointer to const
407unknownMacroerrorThere is an unknown macro here somewhere. Configuration is required. If G_GINT64_MODIFIER is a macro then please configure it.
145shadowVariable398styleLocal variable 'iter' shadows outer variable
196constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'unit' can be declared as pointer to const
0normalCheckLevelMaxBranchesinformationLimiting analysis of branches. Use --check-level=exhaustive to analyze all branches.
0normalCheckLevelMaxBranchesinformationLimiting analysis of branches. Use --check-level=exhaustive to analyze all branches.
434variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'equation' can be reduced.
873variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'text' can be reduced.
1030variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'subscript_digits' can be reduced.
1031variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'superscript_digits' can be reduced.
1129variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 't' can be reduced.
1129constVariablePointer398styleVariable 't' can be declared as pointer to const
1877constParameterCallback398styleParameter 'text' can be declared as pointer to const. However it seems that 'insert_text_cb' is a callback function, if 'text' is declared with const you might also need to cast function pointer(s).
161unreadVariable563styleVariable 'valid' is assigned a value that is never used.
205constVariablePointer398styleVariable 'val' can be declared as pointer to const
90constVariablePointer398styleVariable 'name' can be declared as pointer to const
91constVariablePointer398styleVariable 'value' can be declared as pointer to const
164constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'klass' can be declared as pointer to const
309constParameterCallback398styleParameter 'window' can be declared as pointer to const. However it seems that 'scroll_changed_cb' is a callback function, if 'window' is declared with const you might also need to cast function pointer(s).
0normalCheckLevelMaxBranchesinformationLimiting analysis of branches. Use --check-level=exhaustive to analyze all branches.
0normalCheckLevelMaxBranchesinformationLimiting analysis of branches. Use --check-level=exhaustive to analyze all branches.
33variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'k' can be reduced.
106variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'k' can be reduced.
187knownConditionTrueFalse571styleCondition 'x>0' is always true
461variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'dz2' can be reduced.
505variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced.
505variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'j' can be reduced.
506variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'digits' can be reduced.
560arrayIndexOutOfBounds788errorArray 'digits[0][10]' accessed at index digits[*][10], which is out of bounds.
593invalidscanf119warningsscanf() without field width limits can crash with huge input data.
622variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'numerators' can be reduced.
622constVariable398styleVariable 'numerators' can be declared as const array
623variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'denominators' can be reduced.
623constVariable398styleVariable 'denominators' can be declared as const array
706knownConditionTrueFalse398styleThe comparison 'multiplier != 0' is always false.
0normalCheckLevelMaxBranchesinformationLimiting analysis of branches. Use --check-level=exhaustive to analyze all branches.
293variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'err' can be reduced.
0normalCheckLevelMaxBranchesinformationLimiting analysis of branches. Use --check-level=exhaustive to analyze all branches.
146shadowVariable398styleLocal variable 'digits' shadows outer variable
204knownConditionTrueFalse570styleCondition 'strcmp(s->str,"+0")==0' is always false
336knownConditionTrueFalse570styleCondition 'strcmp(s->str,"+0")==0' is always false
387constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'serializer' can be declared as pointer to const
0normalCheckLevelMaxBranchesinformationLimiting analysis of branches. Use --check-level=exhaustive to analyze all branches.
364shadowVariable398styleLocal variable 'pi' shadows outer variable
0normalCheckLevelMaxBranchesinformationLimiting analysis of branches. Use --check-level=exhaustive to analyze all branches.
256shadowVariable398styleLocal variable 'i' shadows outer variable
261knownConditionTrueFalse571styleCondition 'i>0' is always true
1233variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'e' can be reduced.
1234variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'rx' can be reduced.
1234variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'rlx' can be reduced.
1572knownConditionTrueFalse570styleCondition 'c<0' is always false
0normalCheckLevelMaxBranchesinformationLimiting analysis of branches. Use --check-level=exhaustive to analyze all branches.
73constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'state' can be declared as pointer to const
80constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'state' can be declared as pointer to const
106constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'left' can be declared as pointer to const
106constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'right' can be declared as pointer to const
250constVariablePointer398styleVariable 'token' can be declared as pointer to const
326variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'buffer' can be reduced.
539variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'node' can be reduced.
1162variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'node' can be reduced.
1205constVariablePointer398styleVariable 'token' can be declared as pointer to const
1206variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'node' can be reduced.
0normalCheckLevelMaxBranchesinformationLimiting analysis of branches. Use --check-level=exhaustive to analyze all branches.
20constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'self' can be declared as pointer to const
172variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'buffer' can be reduced.
229variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'buffer' can be reduced.
36constVariablePointer398styleVariable 'tmp' can be declared as pointer to const
162constParameterCallback398styleParameter 'data' can be declared as pointer to const. However it seems that 'variable_is_defined' is a callback function, if 'data' is declared with const you might also need to cast function pointer(s).
184constParameterCallback398styleParameter 'data' can be declared as pointer to const. However it seems that 'set_variable' is a callback function, if 'data' is declared with const you might also need to cast function pointer(s).
59constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'x' can be declared as pointer to const
62constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'category' can be declared as pointer to const
81constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'category' can be declared as pointer to const
107constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'category' can be declared as pointer to const
126constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'klass' can be declared as pointer to const
175constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'manager' can be declared as pointer to const
193constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'manager' can be declared as pointer to const
196variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'u' can be reduced.
213constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'manager' can be declared as pointer to const
216variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'u' can be reduced.
233constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'manager' can be declared as pointer to const
258constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'klass' can be declared as pointer to const
76constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'unit' can be declared as pointer to const
84constVariablePointer398styleVariable 's' can be declared as pointer to const
102constParameterCallback398styleParameter 'data' can be declared as pointer to const. However it seems that 'variable_is_defined' is a callback function, if 'data' is declared with const you might also need to cast function pointer(s).
111constVariablePointer398styleVariable 'x' can be declared as pointer to const
140constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'unit' can be declared as pointer to const
162constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'unit' can be declared as pointer to const
184constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'x' can be declared as pointer to const
200constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'klass' can be declared as pointer to const
81variableScope398styleThe scope of the variable 'result_str' can be reduced.
142constParameterCallback398styleParameter 'data' can be declared as pointer to const. However it seems that 'variable_is_defined' is a callback function, if 'data' is declared with const you might also need to cast function pointer(s).
166constParameterCallback398styleParameter 'data' can be declared as pointer to const. However it seems that 'set_variable' is a callback function, if 'data' is declared with const you might also need to cast function pointer(s).
181redundantAssignment563styleVariable 'options.base' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used.
595constParameterPointer398styleParameter 'x' can be declared as pointer to const